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The Festival of Folklore and Culture of the Cuiavia and Masovia “From Kujawiak to Oberek” (October)

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Everything that is culturally and traditionally connected with Masovia and Cuiavia can be found seen, eaten and purchased here. This is one of the most prestigious folklore events in the region. Each year, the Festival of Folklore and Culture of the Cuiavia and Masovia “From Kujawiak to Oberek” in Łąck is visited by thousands of guests and exhibitors, and the programme in each of the proposed festival sections is incredibly rich. What is characteristic, the event is composed of over a dozen smaller events, conducted in one place and only on one day.

The Festival consists mainly of stage presentations. In the canon of the meetings in Łąck are four competitions during which awards, honours, special prizes and audience awards are presented. These are: the folklore ensemble review “From the Kujawiak to the Oberek”, “From Exhibition to Dish” – the competition for the most interesting exhibition stand, “The Flavour Of…” – a competition for the best regional food product, and the “Regional Review of Cultural Creativity”.

Products and works made by the exhibitors and folk artists presenting their artistic output during the Festival are available to be purchased: wooden sculptures, wicker products, Sanniki paper cut-outs, tissue paper bouquets, embroidered tablecloths, bird feather decorations, dried flower arrangements, pictures on glass and wood, etc.

Every year, the Festival receives excellent reviews both from the participants and contractors, whose number is estimated to be approx. 2000 (including 250 regional artists and performers) The organisers try to ensure the widest possible representation of teams from Masovia and Cuiavia, inviting creators and folk craftsmen, exhibitors and special guests, including people from outside of Poland. This kind of ambition both impresses and attracts more interested people. The founders and organisers try to ensure that the meetings integrate folk artists, craftsmen, musicians, country women’s associations, residents of community homes, employees of cultural centres, participants of occupational therapy workshops and local communities.

In 2015, the Festival had its tenth anniversary edition. The special prize of the Association of Tourism Municipalities in the Gostynin Lake District – the organiser of the festival – was awarded to a whole range of “ambassadors of their own regions” for their cultural achievements in the region.

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Hala Sportowa w Łącku
ul. Gostynińska 2a, 09-520 Łąck
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(24) 261 40 54
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Czas: październik

Miejsce: Hala Sportowa w Łącku, ul. Gostynińska 2